
When you're considering traveling with Cincinnati Limo Bus, we understand that you want the most up-to-date pricing information available at your fingertips. That's why we welcome you to give us a call or send us an email right now, and we can send you back our current pricing information immediately during business hours, or within 24 hours if you are contacting us outside of normal business hours or on the weekend. We would absolutely love to post our exact prices here on the website, but due to many factors including the ever-fluctuating fuel prices and difference that come into play during certain busier times of the year, we cannot. However, we make Cincinnati Limo Bus prices instantly available to you via phone or email.

There are never any hidden fees with Cincinnati Limo Bus. Some other companies list exact prices on their website, but then after your trip you find that there have been additional fees tacked onto the bill. That is never — we repeat never — the case with Cincinnati Limo Bus. This is precisely why we don't list prices on our website. Because there are too many factors that are specific to you that will make a difference, and we'd never want any unpleasant surprises on your bill at the end of the trip! Instead we factor everything in from the get-go, and we use all the information you provide us with to save you much money.

We work hard to save you money. Our team is very experienced when it comes to saving money and keeping our customers happy. We know the best places in the Cincinnati area for you to dine and drink without breaking the bank, and we'll be more than happy to share that information with you in person or via the mini reviews on our service area page. We'll also be happy to tell you some ways to save money when traveling with us, such as which times of year will cost you less, what days of the week are less expensive, and different ways to take advantage of special rates for certain events. We can share all of this information with you either via telephone or email, so just get in touch with us and let's start planning!

We have the lowest prices of any limo bus company in Cincinnati. Not only do we work hard to provide you with the lowest prices of any company in this metro area, but we will also match or beat any local verified price quote that you have obtained from another company. We welcome this, because it helps us to ensure that our prices stay the lowest! If somebody out there is beating us in terms of cost, we definitely want to know about it. So bring those lower prices to us and let us work our magic to give you an even lower one. On the next page we'll talk about some of the most popular events that we service.

Cincinnati Limo Bus operates 24/7 for your convenience! You can reach us at absolutely any time with questions, concerns, or to get a quote and book your reservation! Our agents are standing by and always happy to help!

Looking to get a price for your day? Let's get you started...

Simply fill out the form below, and our booking agents will be on the case of getting you started with the very best party bus adventure in south Ohio!